Tag: relationships

October 19, 2021

The Dangerous Intimacy Game

By Sheryl Aronson, LMFT In today’s world of relationships, a very dangerous game is being played in regards to intimacy or the human connection. I have had many conversations with women who have reported that they thought they were deeply engaging in a relationship with […]

October 19, 2021

The Real Deal – Relationships

By Sheryl Aronson, LMFT As humans, we yearn for the connection to others, we yearn for that one special person to love us unconditionally …in other words, we want the real deal. This means that two people share their lives together, face to face, in […]

October 19, 2021

Living on the Surface of Life

By Sheryl Aronson, LMFT Here is what I have observed. As much as we believe that social media and the internet connect us as humans in ways that are dynamic and exciting, in the complete and total opposite direction, it also disconnects and isolates people […]